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Healthy Skin is an indication of a Healthy Body and Mind!!

Hello Everyone,

What unwanted guest irritates us and spoils our mood for the entire day when we wake up and look at our face in the mirror in the morning? Oh no! A pimple!

Well, as the saying goes “A healthy skin is a sign of a healthy body and our FACE is the mirror of that”. We all want flawless skin, don’t we? But to have that one doesn’t need to spend thousands of bucks.

Pimple is a cruel way of our skin to tell us that it needs to be taken care of. How we actually take care of it is not as important as what we use to combat these issues. Living in fast paced times with easy access to solutions for every skin problem with just a few clicks and couple hundred bucks away, we tend to ignore that these chemically induced substances do more harm than good.

To have an anti-pimple and a radiant face one needs to know their skin type. We have all searched the internet to know our skin type, but it seemed too complex to understand.

Well, here is a simple test which will help you identify your skin type:

  Results (at the end of the day)


Skin Type
Does you skin feel oily and shiny?


Oily skin
Is your T-zone shimmering, but the rest of your face is mostly matte?


Combination skin
Do you have minimal oil, flakiness, or  redness, or none at all?


Normal skin
Is your skin flaky or tight?


Sensitive skin
Is your skin itchy, red, or inflamed?


Dry Skin


REMINDER: Dehydrated skin is not a type, it’s a separate condition. You can have dehydrated skin that’s also oily, combination, or all of the above.

HOW IT ALL BEGAN (Personal experience)

My skin had seen better days. Honestly, I never thought I’d see another pimple on my face after high school. Reality check: I began dealing with acne on and off throughout my teen and adult years. But this time, I hit a rough patch with my skin, and realized that something had to change.

Throughout the years, my skin’s journey has been a roller-coaster ride where one moment I’d have tiny bumps on my forehead, or a cyst on my chin and then suddenly, my face stayed clear for months together (well, except for some pesky ones that pop-up during that time of the month).

Over the years I have tried every kind of face wash, including the  expensive ones, changed them monthly, yet none of them ever gave me satisfying results. Because each of these had chemicals in them and weren’t organic.

One afternoon, while complaining to my grandmother about my struggle with pimples, she told me to turn to Ayurveda for a more permanent solution, just like she did during her teenage.

As we talked more she told me about some Ayurvedic herbs and their benefits:

My skin started to heal as I tried my grandmother’s ‘Gharelu Nuske’, derived from the age old Ayurveda. But, it became quite tiresome and time-consuming amidst my busy lifestyle. So I started looking for an Ayurvedic Anti-Pimple Face Wash that is ORGANIC, GENTLE on my skin, IMPROVES my SKIN TEXTURE, RETAINS the NATURAL BALANCE and ELIMINATES PIMPLE and gives a glowing look.

And when I found MEDIMIX AYURVEDA ANTI-PIMPLE FACE WASH, it came as a blessing to me with additional herbs:-

The MEDIMIX FAST ACTING AYURAVEDA ANTI-PIMPLE FACE WASH is blended with the best ORGANIC HERBS for my face and helps in battling environmental toxins with deep natural care, retains natural balance of my skin, keeps it refreshed while eliminating my skin impurities. It is truly a ONE STOP SOLUTION for all my skin problems.

The facewash is suitable for all skin types and is my favourite because of fast acting Ayurveda which actually gives result within 3 days of usage. It is free from parabens, sulphates and nitrosamine. The facewash, blended with the goodness of nature combats your skin problems and leaves your skin truly rejuvenated.

You can check out the facewash by clicking on this link :



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